How to order

Thank you for your attention to me and my book!



There are several ways to get the book!

EBOOK (alive)

The new book by Tom H Cooper is ready and accessible on AMAZON Kindle as an ebook.


In case of SANDSTONE_eBOOK version v1 has been split into 4 parts due to the size of the many high quality images. Priced at 1.99 and 3 USD/each, the full eBOOK can be yours for around 12 USD!


In Case of version V2 only 2 files provide the same quality for lower pice.


OUTSIDE Hungary (soon)

The paperback print copy (currently not available for direct order). Please contact the author!
+ parcel carrier rate.


Price below 26 USD! (please add carrier rate too!)

Distributors in Hungary

From the author

Send a query letter to in order to get the best price!